Do You or A Loved One Drink Often? Watch For The Early Signs Of Alcoholism

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Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects people from all ages and all walks of life. Fortunately, it is also a treatable disease if the sufferer comes to recognize he has a problem and seeks professional treatment. While every alcoholic's battle and relationship with alcohol is different, most will experience some of the early warning signs in the beginning stages of their addictions. Alcoholics who heed these signs and get help quickly, or whose families urge them to get help have a greater chance of making a full recovery than those who wait until the disease has progressed and the addiction has become more embedded in their lives.

Only Attending Social Events with Alcohol 

People who are in the early stages of alcoholism or who are experiencing problem drinking will often start to become hyper-focused on alcohol. They may, for example, only want to associate with people who also drink heavily.

Likewise, they may only want to attend events where alcohol will be served and heavy drinking is encouraged. This could even progress to them feeling uncomfortable in social settings where alcohol is not present. If you or a loved one is behaving in this manner or having these feelings, it is wise to seek professional evaluation or go to a treatment center, like Triumph Treatment Services.

Guilt After Drinking

Even early on in their addictions, alcoholics will often feel regret, shame, and remorse over their drinking or things they did or said while drinking.

Guilt is the body's way of letting the drinker know that something isn't "right' or "normal' with the way in which the person is drinking. Sadly, many alcoholics often medicate the bad feelings by drinking more, creating a vicious cycle which can only be escaped through treatment.

Productivity Problems

Alcohol abuse starts to become a real problem when it begins impacting the drinker's ability to perform at work or school.

The problematic drinker may be late to work or school due to excessive drinking or may be unable to focus and get work done due to the pain and discomfort of a hangover. Some people may even forego going into work or school at all.

In the later stages of alcoholism, the drinker may even begin drinking during the workday. Fortunately, it is more than possible to get help before things go this far. In fact, there is always help and hope for alcoholics, as long as they are willing to reach out and seek treatment.
