Work With Your Hands? How To Alleviate The Pain Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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If you work with your hands, whether you're a writer or a seamstress, the last thing you want to deal with is hand and wrist pain. That's why a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome can be devastating. As soon as you're diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, you know that there are going to be massive changes coming in your life. When you use your hands for a living, you can't just stop using them. You need to find ways to work around the pain, or alleviate it altogether. Here are four tips you can follow to help you get a handle on your hand and wrist pain.

Find a New Way to Move Your Wrist

When you work with your hands all day long, you can't afford to deal with carpal tunnel pain. Unfortunately, it's the way you work with your hands that is causing the pain. It's the repetitive motion that's involved with your line of work that's at issue. One way to alleviate the pain, is to find new ways to move your wrists. The occasional change in motion can give your wrists the break they need. One way to do that is to take up a new stress-free hobby, such as music. Learning to play a musical instrument can help give your wrists the change of motion they need. Yoga is also a beneficial way to change motion and alleviate the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Indulge in Massage Therapy

If you haven't started seeing a massage therapist, you should start now. Most people think of neck and back pain relief when they think of massage therapy, but it can also help relieve the discomfort and pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. While you're visiting your massage therapist, have them show you a few ways to massage your own wrists. That way, you can massage your wrists each night before you head to bed, or during the day when you start feeling the pangs of discomfort.

Listen to Your Wrists

One problem with working with your hands is that you need them to be active all day long. Unfortunately, that can get you into trouble, especially when it comes to the pain and stiffness associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. While you're working, try to listen to your wrists. As soon as they get a little stiff, or you feel the pain coming on, take a quick break. Stop working for a minute or two, and massage your wrists. If you can't stop working altogether during this time, find another task to take care of that will allow your wrists to move differently for a few minutes.

Stay in Contact with Your Doctor

If you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, you've got to stay in contact with a doctor, such as at Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester. The time may come when orthopedic surgery is the only answer for the pain and discomfort you're experiencing.
