What To Expect With Botox Injections

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Botox is used for a number of different things, but it is most commonly used to fill in wrinkles to give you a smoother, more youthful look. If you are looking to get Botox injections, there are things you should know so you know what to expect. Read on for everything you need to know to help prepare you for your first Botox injection.

Before The Injections

First and foremost, you need to do your homework on a plastic surgeon that specializes in Botox injections. You don't want to go to a local salon for injections, you want a board certified plastic surgeon to do this work on you. If you have had friends that have had Botox injections, ask them who they used. Ask family members as well for their plastic surgeon's name. 

When you make your appointment with the plastic surgeon, be sure to ask a lot of questions about the procedure itself and how much the surgeon things you will need. Also ask for references and check out as many before and after photos that you can to see the work that the surgeon has done before. 

Talk to the plastic surgeon about the price for the injections and be sure to get all of the information regarding the price of the injections. Insurance companies don't usually cover the cost of these injections unless they are for medical purposes, so you're most likely paying for the injections out of pocket.

During The Injections

The injections don't take long at all once you're in the seat. They take less than 5 minutes depending on how many injections you need and they can be done on your lunch break. The injections don't hurt, but you will feel the tiny pricks from the needle injections. You may experience a minimal amount of bleeding during the injections.

After The Injections

After the injections you may have some swelling or even bruising. You can apply ice to the area where you had the injections to reduce the swelling and ease any pain you may feel at the injection sites. Be sure not to massage the area to prevent causing issues with your injections. Working out or exerting yourself too much after the injections may also cause a problem for your Botox injections. You may not notice results for 5 - 7 days after the injections. The results of the injections should last about 3 - 4 months.

If you are thinking about getting Botox cosmetic treatments, do your homework to find the right plastic surgeon to do the injections for you. 
