Problems With Your Feet? How Therapy Can Help Your Flat Feet

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If you've been diagnosed with flat feet, you're not alone. As of 2012, about eight percent of all adults in the United States suffer from flat feet. Unfortunately, flat feet can cause severe pain, especially when not treated properly. Luckily, treatment is available for flat feet. Many people with flat feet gain relief through therapy. If you've been unable to find relief for the pain associated with flat feet, it's time to talk to your doctor. Here are just three of the benefits you can receive through therapy for your flat feet. 

Increase Your Arch Support

If you haven't started therapy sessions for your flat feet, you could be missing out on vital information about your shoes. You might not realize this, but your therapy sessions can help to determine the type of shoes you should be wearing. When you have flat feet, you need to make sure that your shoes provide added support for your arches. Unfortunately, some shoes don't provide any support at all. That's where therapy comes into the picture. Your therapist will help you identify the right type of shoes for your feet. If you struggle to find the right type of shoes for your feet, your therapist can help you choose removable arch support systems. 

Reduce Arch Inflammation

If you have flat feet, your arches might be inflamed from time to time. Inflammation can occur from the pressure that's placed on your feet during ordinary daily activities. Unfortunately, inflammation can increase the pain you experience, which is where therapy comes into the picture. Your therapist can use ice treatments to reduce the swelling and inflammation you experience as a result of your flat feet. Not only does ice therapy reduce inflammation, but it also helps to alleviate the pain and discomfort you might experience. 

Correct Walking Patterns

If you've been diagnosed with flat feet, you might have problems with your gait -- the way you walk. You might not realize this, but flat feet can alter the way you step, which can cause serious problems. Issues with your gait can lead to hip, knee, and ankle problems, as well as increase your pain and discomfort. If you've noticed issues with the way you walk, talk to your doctor about therapy. With therapy, you can change the way you walk and alleviate the issues related to flat feet. 

Don't let foot pain interfere with your life. Talk to a doctor about therapy for your flat feet
