Struggling With Seasonal Allergy Symptoms? How To Know If You Should Consider Allergy Testing

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Springtime can be miserable for those suffering from allergy symptoms. The itchy eyes, runny or stuffy nose, and tickling throat can make it difficult to perform work duties or have a social life. Knowing when it is time to seek help from an allergy specialist to have allergy testing done is the first step to lessening or eliminating these annoying symptoms.

Your quality of life is diminished

For some people, allergies are nothing more than a minor annoyance that occurs every year around the same time and is gone within a few weeks. However, for others, allergy symptoms are so severe that they interfere with their quality of life and allergy testing can help. For instance, you may find you need to miss work due to severe symptoms or you must cancel recreational activities because you find it hard to function due to feeling ill.

Medications are not working

Maybe you have tried several over-the-counter medications and are still not getting any relief from the itchy eyes or runny and stuffy nose. Perhaps you are finding relief with these medications but they have undesirable side effects, such as drowsiness or fatigue. In either of these cases, seeking help by undergoing allergy testing is a good idea.

You have developed other health issues

You should consider allergy testing if your chronic allergies are causing other health issues to crop up. You may find yourself dealing with chronic sinusitis or sinus infections. Other allergy-related health issues include fluid in the ear, asthma, a chronic raspy voice, enlarged adenoids, or nasal polyps.

You want to try allergy shots

If you wish to try allergy shots for treating your chronic allergies, you will need to undergo allergy testing by having bloodwork done or by doing the skin-testing method. These tests will allow your doctor to see which substances you react most strongly to. This is necessary so your allergy doctor can develop the right shot formula to target the environmental allergens that are causing you the most distress.

For those whose allergy symptoms are severe and linger for weeks or months, allergy testing can help by making you aware of which allergens you are most sensitive to. Whether you want to consider allergy shots or other treatments for relief from your allergies, testing will help you get to the source of your allergies and get started on the best treatment plan to get your life back on track.

For more information, contact an allergy testing service, such as the Allergy and Asthma Clinic of Fort Worth
