Integrative Health For Sciatica Treatment

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Sciatica is incredibly common, resulting in a variety of painful symptoms. If you have lower back pain or what feels like a pinched nerve that runs up and down one or both legs, it could be that you have sciatica.

Do you think you have sciatica? Have you received a diagnosis or recommendation to get sciatica treatment? Integrative health may be the key to feeling better. Here's what an integrative healthcare provider might recommend.

Identifying the Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica is often caused by issues like muscular imbalance and herniated discs. Getting to the root of the problem is so important because this will reveal the right treatment for your body. This ensures that you fix the actual problem rather than put a damper on the pain.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is one option that integrative healthcare providers may recommend. Chiropractic adjustments can push vertebrae into position if your back is not in proper alignment, potentially treating your sciatica. Practitioners can also treat sciatica caused by spinal stenosis, herniated discs, and more.


In some cases, cryotherapy is used to treat sciatica because it can reduce pain and inflammation. It may be paired with heat therapy to improve the flow of blood to the affected area. Temperature therapy can be highly effective in soothing the pain, and it will also allow you to have improved mobility for stretching or strengthening the muscles.


Acupuncture is a relaxing and soothing experience for many people, and it may even address your lower back or nerve pain. This treatment is often used alongside other treatment options recommended by holistic medicine providers.

Nutritional Counseling

You might not realize it, but the foods you eat can have a major impact on the way your body feels. Nutritional counseling may help you relieve pain in your sciatic nerve by helping you lose some of the weight that might be adding pressure to the area.

Corrective Exercises

The exercises you use to build strength will help your body reposition weight safely. When you build more strength in your core, you will see some pressure relieved from your lower back. Exercises and stretches will help you see fast improvements throughout your body.

Get Treatment for Sciatica Today

Are you tired of dealing with lower back pain? Are you hindered by the pain you experience? Life does not have to be this way. Treatment for sciatica is available through many integrative health providers.

For more information on integrative health, contact a professional near you.
