Dealing With Erectile Dysfunction? Medical Conditions That Could Be At The Root Of The Problem

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If you've been dealing with erectile dysfunction, you're not alone. Studies show that about 52% of US men suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction. Of those, 70% are 70 or over. But, that doesn't mean ED affects only older men. In fact, erectile dysfunction can affect men of all ages. Erectile dysfunction can cause issues with infertility. ED can also lead to depression and anxiety. That's why it's important you get treatment for the disorder. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, read the list provided below. Here are four conditions that could be causing your erectile dysfunction. If you're experiencing any of these conditions, talk to a doctor right away. Treatment is available for your erectile dysfunction. 

You're Overweight

If you're overweight, now's the time to see your doctor. Obesity can increase your risk for erectile dysfunction. It can do this by damaging the blood vessels your body needs to complete an erection. But, obesity can also lower your testosterone levels. Luckily, weight loss can help you regain your ability to achieve an erection. Talk to your doctor about weight loss options that might help you overcome ED. 

You Have Diabetes

If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, you need to talk to your doctor about erectile dysfunction. Diabetes can cause a host of health problems for you. Erectile dysfunction is one of those problems. When you have diabetes, your body struggles to transport blood throughout the body. This includes blood flow to your penis. This lack of blood flow reduces your ability to achieve an erection. Diabetes also causes damage to the nerves that control sexual stimulation. Treatment can help you overcome diabetes-related erectile dysfunction. 

You Take Medication

If you take medication on a regular basis, it could cause erectile dysfunction. You might not know this, but some medications can cause ED. That's why it's important for you to discuss your medications with your doctor. There might be a way to make changes to the medications you take. That way, you could alleviate the problems caused by erectile dysfunction. 

You Have Heart Disease

If you're being treated for heart disease, you should also be monitored for erectile dysfunction. Heart disease and high blood pressure can both cause ED. That's because these medical conditions block the flow of blood through the body. They can also block arteries, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Talk to your doctor about treatment for your erectile dysfunction.

For more information on erectile dysfunction, contact a doctor near you.
