Management Of Neuropathy In Type 2 Diabetics

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Diabetes is among the most common underlying causes of neuropathy. Tackling neuropathy and the underlying concern can reduce pain and minimize the chance of further damage or amputation of the limbs.

Disease Control 

No matter how long you've had poorly-controlled diabetes, it will always be important to control the condition to reduce worsening of neuropathy. The best approach to managing type 2 diabetes is tackling the condition from various ways. First, medication is invaluable to help your blood glucose reach safe levels. Fortunately, there are more products on the market that can make it easier to be compliant with your medication, such as weekly injections.

The ultimate goal for most people with type 2 diabetes is to stop needing medication. Significant lifestyle changes are the only way this could be an option. Ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian that specializes in patients with type 2 diabetes. Although most diets can be helpful, your dietitian can help you sculpt an eating and exercise plan that you will more likely stick with.

Compression Garments

Compression garments are useful for people with diabetic neuropathy affecting their feet and legs. There are many types of compression garments with various levels of compression, but it's best for your doctor to prescribe them. This way, your doctor has determined what size and amount of compression will improve your neuropathy while reducing the chance of causing ulceration of the skin. Many people who deal with lower-limb diabetic neuropathy also have significant swelling in their feet, ankles, and/or calves. Compression garments help reduce swelling and increase circulation in the affected area. There are many variations of lower-limb compression garments. They might cover your feet like socks, all the way to compressing your entire lower half, like leggings.

Neuropathy Treatments 

Often the first-line treatment for diabetic neuropathy is medications, such as gabapentin. In the instance diabetic neuropathy causes significant pain, some people may need stronger pain relievers added to gabapentin. Other treatment approaches may be used to deal with neuropathy pain, such as small surgical procedures to damage the never that is causing pain. Nerve ablation damages the connection between the nerve causing pain. If this connection is damaged, the pain no longer happens. Since nerves have some degree of regeneration, the results aren't permanent.

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the more common effects of poorly-controlled diabetes. Fortunately, there are still options available to address the pain of neuropathy or reduce the worsening of symptoms. 

Find out more about neuropathy treatment
